The Dangers of Anal Sex - Know Why to Avoid It, Important Facts

Anal sex is the unnatural way of fulfilling the desire of copulation. Nature has created man and woman with perfect sexual organs to copulate for offspring and to enjoy with the great pleasure this act offers. Time has witnessed that whenever we cross the limits and go against nature, nature punishes us. If you understand this simple natural phenomenon, you will realize the dangers of anal sex. Ironically, this trend is growing fast in the United States, and the consequences are not a secret.

Until some time ago, anal intercourse was only limited to homosexuals men and was less common in lesbians. However, just to add variety to the sensual act because of too much lovemaking activity, people are trying to find other means to satisfy their urge. In fact, if you keep yourself within the limits, you will get all the expected pleasure for regular love acts, but when we overdo this act, you naturally have to find other means to satisfy yourself as you get bored by repeating the same things.

Not only the religions but also many fair societies negate such an unnatural act to get pleasure. Those who advocate this act just superficially deal with this matter and do not seriously look into the potential dangers of anal sex. Since our modern time has seen much exploitation of the relation between a man and woman, people are feeling bored with the repetitions and, consequently, find new ways to get satisfaction.

The dangers of anal sex are threatening many with severe health hazards. Even if you use lots of lubrication, tearing of the tissues inside the anus is very much possible. They are fragile tissues and can be torn easily, creating openings for bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases like anal cancer or HIV/AID transmission. You should know that HPV virus can find its way very easily to cause anal cancer.

While talking about the dangers of anal sex, studies prove that it is the riskiest form of lovemaking activity when the transmission of HIV/AID is concerned. The virus can very easily enter the blood system of the body. When it comes to the STDs, this type of act provides the ideal means of transmitting the diseases.

Among the other dangers of anal sex, you can also note that repetitive anal sex leads to weakening of the anal sphincter, which leads the feces to escape involuntarily. Moreover, being the exit point of body wastes, many kinds of bacteria live in the anus that can cause infection. Even if a condom is used, do you think it offers you all the protection!

The dangers of anal sex can also be noted when a tear up fissure develops into a crack and gets infected. It can further develop into the fistula. Ironically, repairing tears, fistulas, and fissures involves delicate surgery where recovery will be long and painful. Moreover, vigorous anal activity leads to hemorrhoids or piles. Well, the list can go further. Now the decision is in your own hands.

Read sex ebooks to know the best lovemaking acts and tips.


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